In the course of our day to day business, we collaborate closely with healthcare professionals (HCPs), the health services and academia. When and where appropriate, we endeavour to support these stakeholders in their efforts to achieve common goals, which will result in the ultimate betterment of patients’ lives, whether it is collaboration on projects of joint interest or provision of funds.

For HCPs, we are committed to furthering continuous medical education, and we can accept applications for support for:

  1. Individual education: attendance at courses or conferences in the form of direct payment for registration, travel or accommodation expenses
  2. Educational meetings: bona fide running costs for meetings which provide continuing professional development for HCPs.

In terms of support to Healthcare Organisations (HCOs), secondary care, we can consider requests for:

  1. Assistance to purchase equipment outside of routine business expenses which will have a clear benefit to patients in terms of aiding and speeding diagnosis and/or treatment
  2. Research projects

In line with industry best practice, details of all support granted to HCPs and HCOs is declared on the IPHA website as part of their 'Disclosure of Transfers of Value' initiative.


Each year, A.Menarini commit an amount to charitable donations and social projects. We can only accept requests that come directly from registered charities.


Patient associations are valued partners in the therapeutic areas where we operate. Our common goals include achieving early diagnosis, appropriate treatment, better compliance and improved patient outcomes.

A.Menarini accept applications for support for specific projects or meetings and are happy to collaborate on projects of joint interest in accordance with Annex III of the IPHA Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry. Donations & projects are declared on our website annually.

Application for Support

If you feel you, or your project, qualifies for support as outlined above, please visit the A.Menarini Grants and Donations portal at the following link:

Fully documented applications will be reviewed by the Grants & Donations Committee within four weeks of receipt.

You will be notified shortly after review to let you know if your request has been granted.

Quality first

Quality: point of departure and arrival for our drugs.


Menarini in the world

The Menarini Group has companies located almost all over the world.


Innovation & Research

Constant commitment to new drug research.


Our values


10 core values have influenced the progress of our group.