Control is transversal when we speak about the quality of a Menarini drug.
The Quality Control laboratory periodically conducts all necessary tests on the drug to confirm its compliance with approval specifications. The characteristics of the product to be sold are those expected.
Attention to control is the common denominator of all the production activities in Menarini's universe.
The Quality Assurance department of each plant reports to the Corporate Quality Assurance department which is responsible for supervising and standardising the level of quality wherever a drug is manufactured. The decision to pay attention to every single detail has led Menarini to adopt a philosophy that places quality at the heart of every choice:
that's why all raw material suppliers are selected and monitored with inspections directly at the production plants wherever they may be located throughout the world;
that's why training courses are held continuously for all those who, for various reasons, form part of the drug production chain;
that's why technologically advanced machinery is used and subjected to periodic checks to always ensure its correct operation;
that's why the packaging of products is checked before being marketed to guarantee compliance with the specifications approved by the health authorities.
That's how, control after control, a Menarini drug is born.
Our Labs in Berlin